Meaningful examples for illustrating the power of DECENTER.
LTI systems
Decentralized control strategy for congested urban road networks
Application of decentralized control to a large-scale congested urban road network using the one-step method.
One-step and finite-horizon: comparison for LTI control
Performance comparison between OS and FH LQR using Monte-Carlo simulations.
LTV systems
Distributed Decentralized Control for Satellite Mega-Constellations
Application of a novel distributed decentralized Receding Horizon Control (RHC) framework to onboard orbit control of a shell of Starlink.
Experimental quadruple-tank network decentralized control
Experimental application of decentralized control to the quadruple-tank network, using the one-step method.
Decentralized control of nonlinear quadruple-tank network
Application of decentralized control to the quadruple-tank network, using the one-step method.
Decentralized control of nonlinear N-tank network
Application of decentralized control to the N-tank network, using the one-step method.
LTI systems
MHE for networks of unconstrained linear systems
Moving horizon estimation for unconstrained networks is surprisingly well-performing in a decentralized setting.
One-step and finite-horizon: comparison for LTI estimation
Performance comparison between OS and FH Kalman filters using Monte-Carlo simulations.
LTV systems
Distributed Decentralized EKF for Satellite Mega-Constellations
Application of a novel distributed decentralized EKF framework to the navigation of a shell of the Starlink mega-constellation.
Decentralized estimation of nonlinear N-tank network
Application of decentralized estimation to the N-tank network, using the one-step and finite-horizon methods.