Distributed Decentralized Control for Satellite Mega-Constellations


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Application of a novel distributed decentralized Receding Horizon Control (RHC) framework to onboard orbit control of very large-scale constellations of satellites, illustrated in particular for a shell of the Starlink mega-constellation.

A novel distributed decentralized Receding Horizon Control (RHC) for very large-scale networks was proposed in [1]. In this example, which is also described thoroughly in [1], this solution is applied to the satellite mega-constellation onboard orbit control problem. An illustrative mega-constellation of a single shell inspired in the first shell of the Starlink constellation to be deployed is considered. The constellation is a Walker \(53.0º:1584/72/17\). A snapshot of ground track and inter-satellite links (ISL) of the simulated constellation at 0 TDB seconds since J2000 is depicted below.

High fidelity simulation

The realistic nonlinear numeric simulation is computed making use of the high fidelity open-source TU Delft’s Astrodynamic Toolbox (TUDAT). The documentation is available at https://docs.tudat.space/ and source code at https://github.com/tudat-team/tudat-bundle/. The orbit propagation of the satellites of the constellation accounts for several perturbations. The parameters that fully characterize the constellation, as well as the perturbations considered in the simulation, are detailed in [1].

The control feedback computation is carried out in MATLAB. The simulation environment relies on an interface between a C++ TUDAT application and MATLAB to define a thrust feedback control law. The architecture of the overall environment is shown below.

This interface is powered by the tudat-matlab-thrust-feedback package available at github.com/decenter2021/tudat-matlab-thrust-feedback.

The TUDAT application source-code can be found at Examples/DistributedDecentralizedRHCStarlink. For more details on how to setup and run the simulation and on the intricacies of the thruster actuation feedback, see the documentation of tudat-matlab-thrust-feedback.

Implementation of distributed decentralized RHC

The main steps of the simulation are described below. Jump to Results to see the implementation results.

To open this example execute the following command in the MATLAB command window

open DDRHCStarlink

The script that implements the control law in the simulation environment is Examples/DistributedDecentralizedRHCStarlink/DDELQR_iteration_routine.

First, convert the cartesian coordinates to mean relative orbital elements

%% Input:   t  
%           x_t dim: 7N x 1
% Output:   MPC_u dim: 3 x N

%% Check redefinition of anchor
% Compute mean orbital elements
OE_t = zeros(n_single,N);
%for i = 1:N
parfor i = 1:N
    % With package osculating2mean
    aux = rv2OEOsc(x_t((i-1)*(n_single+1)+1:i*(n_single+1)-1));
    OE_t(:,i) = OEOsc2OEMeanEUK(t,aux,degree_osculating2mean);
% Condition for nominal anchor redefinition
% Define nominal anchor just by the initial state
if t < Tctrl/2 % Did not use t < 0 to avoid numerical issues
    fprintf('@MATLAB controller: Redefining nominal anchor at t = %g s.\n',t);
    [u0,Omega0] = nominalConstellationAnchor(OE_t([2 6],:),walkerParameters);
    t0 = t;
    walkerAnchor = [t0; u0; Omega0];

%% Transformation to relative obit elements
dalpha_t = zeros(n_single,N);    
parfor i = 1:N
%for i = 1:N
    dalpha_t(:,i) = OEMean2OERel(OE_t(:,i),...

Then, compute a new RHC window if required

%% Check if a new MPC window needs to be computed
% Keep using the current window
if MPC_currentWindowGain < MPC_d && t > Tctrl/2
    MPC_currentWindowGain = MPC_currentWindowGain+1;
% Compute a new window and use the first gain
    MPC_currentWindowGain = 1;  
    %% Compute new MPC window
    fprintf('@MATLAB controller: Computing new MPC window starting at t = %g s.\n',t);

    %% MPC centralized backwards loop
    % Initializations of dynamics matrices and topology for t = MPC_T
    tau = MPC_T;
    % Time instant (s) of MPC iteration
    t_tau = t+tau*Tctrl;

    % Predict nominal contellation at MPC iteration
    OEMeanNominal_tau = nominalConstellationOEMean(t_tau,1:N,walkerParameters,semiMajorAxis,walkerAnchor,0);  
    % Scheduled time of communication regarding this instant
    t_com = t - (tau+2)*Tt;
    OEMeanNominal_t_com = nominalConstellationOEMean(t_com,1:N,walkerParameters,semiMajorAxis,walkerAnchor,0);
    xNominal_tau = zeros(n_single,N);
    xNominal_t_com = zeros(n_single,N);
    parfor i = 1:N
        xNominal_tau(:,i) = OEOsc2rv(OEMeanEU2OEOsc(OEMeanNominal_tau(:,i)));
        xNominal_t_com(:,i) = OEOsc2rv(OEMeanEU2OEOsc(OEMeanNominal_t_com(:,i)));

    % Predict topology
    % With communication restrictions  
    % Compute in-neighbourhood
    parfor i = 1:N            
        % If there were no restrictions
        aux = LEOConstellationTrackingGraph_DMinus(i,xNominal_tau,trackingRange,trackingmaxInNeighbourhood);
        % Communication restriction mask
        mask = false(size(aux));
        for l = 1:length(aux)
            if norm(xNominal_t_com(1:3,i)-xNominal_t_com(1:3,aux(l))) < LOSRange
                mask(l) = true;
        % Apply mask
        Di_tau_minus{i,1} = aux(mask);

    % Without communication restrictions
%     % Compute in-neighbourhood
%     parfor i = 1:N
%         Di_tau_minus{i,1} = LEOConstellationTrackingGraph_DMinus(i,xNominal_tau,trackingRange,trackingmaxInNeighbourhood);
%     end

    % Compute out-neighbourhood
    parfor i = 1:N
        Di_tau{i,1} = LEOConstellationTrackingGraph_DPlus(i,xNominal_tau,trackingRange,Di_tau_minus);

    % Predict output dynamics and state weights
    %for i = 1:N
    parfor i = 1:N
        % Predict output dynamics and state weights
        [Haux,Q{i,1},~,o(i)] = LEOConstellationTrackingDynamics(i,Di_tau_minus,inclination);
        aux = 1;
        % Temporary variable to allow paralelization of cell H
        H_tmp = cell(1,N);
        for j = Di_tau_minus{i,1}'
            H_tmp{1,j} = Haux{aux,1};
            aux = aux + 1;
        H(i,:) = H_tmp;

    % MPC iterations start only at t = MPC_T-1
    for tau = MPC_T-1:-1:0
        %% Step 1. Predict topology and distributed dynamics       
        % Time instant (s) of MPC iteration
        t_tau = t+tau*Tctrl;
        %% 1.1 Predict nominal constellation
        % Predict nominal contellation at MPC iteration
        OEMeanNominal_tau = nominalConstellationOEMean(t_tau,1:N,walkerParameters,semiMajorAxis,walkerAnchor,0);   
        % Scheduled time of communication regarding this instant
        t_com = t - (tau+2)*Tt;
        OEMeanNominal_t_com = nominalConstellationOEMean(t_com,1:N,walkerParameters,semiMajorAxis,walkerAnchor,0);
        xNominal_tau = zeros(n_single,N);
        xNominal_t_com = zeros(n_single,N);

        parfor i = 1:N
            xNominal_tau(:,i) = OEOsc2rv(OEMeanEU2OEOsc(OEMeanNominal_tau(:,i)));
            xNominal_t_com(:,i) = OEOsc2rv(OEMeanEU2OEOsc(OEMeanNominal_t_com(:,i)));
        %% 1.2 Predict tracking topology for tau
        % Store topology of last iteration (tau+1)
        Di_tau_1 = Di_tau;

        % With communication restrictions
        % Compute in-neighbourhood
        parfor i = 1:N            
            % If there were no restrictions
            aux = LEOConstellationTrackingGraph_DMinus(i,xNominal_tau,trackingRange,trackingmaxInNeighbourhood);
            % Communication restriction mask
            mask = false(size(aux));
            for l = 1:length(aux)
                if norm(xNominal_t_com(1:3,i)-xNominal_t_com(1:3,aux(l))) < LOSRange
                    mask(l) = true;
            % Apply mask
            Di_tau_minus{i,1} = aux(mask);

        % Without communication restrictions
        % Compute in-neighbourhood
%         parfor i = 1:N
%             Di_tau_minus{i,1} = LEOConstellationTrackingGraph_DMinus(i,xNominal_tau,trackingRange,trackingmaxInNeighbourhood);
%         end

        % Compute out-neighbourhood
        parfor i = 1:N
            Di_tau{i,1} = LEOConstellationTrackingGraph_DPlus(i,xNominal_tau,trackingRange,Di_tau_minus);

        %% Step 2: Recompute covarinaces (Compute P(tau+1) )
        if decentralized       
            P_kl_prev = P_kl;
            if tau ~= MPC_T-1
                % Computations done distributedly across agents
                %for i = 1:N
                parfor i = 1:N
                    P_kl{i,1} = newCovarianceStorage(Di_tau{i,1});
                    % Compute each block of P
                    for j = 1:size(P_kl{i,1},1)     
                        p = P_kl{i,1}{j,1}(1);
                        q = P_kl{i,1}{j,1}(2);
                        Cp = zeros(length(Di_tau{p,1})*n_single,n_single);
                        Cq = zeros(length(Di_tau{q,1})*n_single,n_single);
                        Prs = zeros(length(Di_tau{p,1})*n_single,length(Di_tau{q,1})*n_single);
                        lossPrs = 0;
                        count_r = 0;
                        % Sum over indices r ans s
                        % Build matrix P_rs, C_p, and Cq for each (p,q)
                        for r = Di_tau_1{p,1}'    
                            if p == q
                                count_s = count_r;
                                for s = Di_tau_1{q,1}(count_r+1:end)'
                                    % Get the P_rs computation available to i
                                    [aux,loss] = searchP(i,r,s,P_kl_prev,Di_tau_1);
                                    if r ~= s
                                    lossPrs = lossPrs + loss;
                                    count_s = count_s + 1;    
                                count_s = 0;
                                for s = Di_tau_1{q,1}'
                                    % Get the P_rs computation available to i
                                    [aux,loss] = searchP(i,r,s,P_kl_prev,Di_tau_1);
                                    if count_r == 0
                                        %Cq(count_s*n_single+1:(count_s+1)*n_single,:) = A{q,1}*(q==s)-B{s,1}*getK(MPC_K{s,tau+2},q);   
                                        Cq(count_s*n_single+1:(count_s+1)*n_single,:) = A{q,1}*(q==s)-B{s,1}*K_tau_1{q,1}{count_s+1,1};   
                                    lossPrs = lossPrs + loss;
                                    count_s = count_s + 1;    
                            Cp(count_r*n_single+1:(count_r+1)*n_single,:) = A{p,1}*(p==r)-B{r,1}*K_tau_1{p,1}{count_r+1,1};      
                            count_r = count_r + 1;

                        % If p == q then, P_rs should be positive definite
                        if p == q
                            % If p == q then, P_rs should be positive definite
                            Prs = forcePositiveDefiniteness(Prs);
                            Cq = Cp;
                        % Intersection of D_p+ and D_q+
                        [r_cap_pq,r_cap_pq_idxp,r_cap_pq_idxq] = intersect(Di_tau_1{p,1},Di_tau_1{q,1});
                        aux = zeros(n_single,n_single);
                        for l = 1:length(r_cap_pq)
                            % parfor does not allow to assign a variable
                            % named 'r'
                            r_ = r_cap_pq(l);
                            r_idxp = r_cap_pq_idxp(l);
                            r_idxq = r_cap_pq_idxq(l);
                            aux = aux + H{r_,p}'*Q{r_,1}*H{r_,q} + K_tau_1{p,1}{r_idxp,1}'*R{r_,1}*K_tau_1{q,1}{r_idxq,1};
                                    % + getK(MPC_K{r_,tau+2},p)'*R{r_,1}*getK(MPC_K{r_,tau+2},q);
                        P_kl{i,1}{j,2} = Cp'*Prs*Cq + aux;
                        % Update loss
                        P_kl{i,1}{j,3} = lossPrs;
                % Computations done distributedly across agents
                %for i = 1:N
                parfor i = 1:N
                    P_kl{i,1} = newCovarianceStorage(Di_tau{i,1});
                    % Compute each block of P
                    for j = 1:size(P_kl{i,1},1)         
                        p = P_kl{i,1}{j,1}(1);
                        q = P_kl{i,1}{j,1}(2);                
                        % Intersection of D_p+ and D_q+
                        [r_cap_pq,~] = intersect(Di_tau_1{p,1},Di_tau_1{q,1});
                        aux = zeros(n_single,n_single);                    
                        for r = r_cap_pq'
                            aux= aux + H{r,p}'*Q{r,1}*H{r,q};
                        P_kl{i,1}{j,2} = aux;
                        % Update loss (not necessary, it is set to 0 on creation)
                        % P_kl{i,1}{j,3} = 0;
            % Centralized version below:
            % 2.1.1 Compute global matrices (H(tau+1), Q(tau+1), R(tau+1), K(tau+1), B(tau+1), A(tau+1))
            % Init matrices
            og = sum(o)*o_single_rel+N*o_single_self;              
            Hg = zeros(og,N*n_single);
            Qg = zeros(og);
            % Build matrices
            aux = 0;       
            for i = 1:N     
                for j = Di_tau_1{i,1}'
                    Hg(aux+1:aux+o(i)*o_single_rel + o_single_self,(j-1)*n_single+1:(j-1)*n_single+n_single) = H{i,j};  
                Qg(aux+1:aux+o(i)*o_single_rel + o_single_self, aux+1:aux+o(i)*o_single_rel + o_single_self) = Q{i,1};         
                aux = aux+o(i)*o_single_rel + o_single_self;
            % Compute P(tau+1)
            if tau ~= MPC_T-1
                P_tau_1 = Hg'*Qg*Hg + Kg'*Rg*Kg + (Ag-Bg*Kg)'*P_tau_1*(Ag-Bg*Kg);
                P_tau_1 = Hg'*Qg*Hg;

        %% Step 3: Predict dynamic and output dynamics matricexs for tau (A(tau), B(tau), R(tau))
        %for i = 1:N
        parfor i = 1:N
            % Predict  dynamics
            [A{i,1},B{i,1}] = STMSatellite(OEMeanNominal_tau(:,i),Tctrl);
            % Predict output dynamics, state weights, and input weights
            [Haux,Q{i,1},R{i,1},o(i)] = LEOConstellationTrackingDynamics(i,Di_tau_minus,inclination);
            aux = 1;
            % Temporary variable to allow paralelization of cell H
            H_tmp = cell(1,N);
            for j = Di_tau_minus{i,1}'
                H_tmp{1,j} = Haux{aux,1};
                aux = aux + 1;
            H(i,:) = H_tmp;

        %% Step 4: Compute gains
        if decentralized
            % Decentralized gain computation
            %for i = 1:N
            parfor i = 1:N
                % Compute augmented innovation covariance matrix
                Si = zeros(m_single*length(Di_tau{i,1}));
                % Compute augmented P_i tilde
                Pi = zeros(m_single*length(Di_tau{i,1}),n_single);
                count = 1;
                for pidx = 1:length(Di_tau{i,1})
                    for qidx = pidx:length(Di_tau{i,1})
                        p = Di_tau{i,1}(pidx);
                        q = Di_tau{i,1}(qidx);                   
                        % Fill Si
                        Si((pidx-1)*m_single+1:(pidx-1)*m_single+m_single,(qidx-1)*m_single+1:(qidx-1)*m_single+m_single) = ...
                            B{p,1}'*P_kl{i,1}{count,2}*B{q,1} + (p==q)*R{p,1};
                        if pidx ~= qidx
                            Si((qidx-1)*m_single+1:(qidx-1)*m_single+m_single,(pidx-1)*m_single+1:(pidx-1)*m_single+m_single) = ...
                        % Fill Pi
                        if p == i || q == i
                            if p == i
                                Pi((qidx-1)*m_single+1:(qidx-1)*m_single+m_single,:) = B{q,1}'*P_kl{i,1}{count,2}'*A{i,1};
                                Pi((pidx-1)*m_single+1:(pidx-1)*m_single+m_single,:) = B{p,1}'*P_kl{i,1}{count,2}*A{i,1};
                        count = count + 1;
                % Compute gains
                Ki = Si\Pi;
                % Fill K_tau_1
                K_tau_1{i,1} = cell(length(Di_tau{i,1}),1);
                for pidx = 1:length(Di_tau{i,1})
                    K_tau_1{i,1}{pidx,1} = Ki((pidx-1)*m_single+1:(pidx-1)*m_single+m_single,:);
            % Centralized computation below
            % 4.1 Compute global matrices (B, R, A)
            Bg = zeros(n_single*N,m_single*N);
            Rg = zeros(m_single*N);
            Ag = zeros(n_single*N);      
            % Predict dynamics
            for i = 1:N
                Ag((i-1)*n_single+1:i*n_single,(i-1)*n_single+1:i*n_single) = A{i,1};
                Bg((i-1)*n_single+1:i*n_single,(i-1)*m_single+1:i*m_single) = B{i,1};
                Rg((i-1)*m_single+1:i*m_single,(i-1)*m_single+1:i*m_single) = R{i,1};
            % 4.2 Compute gains
            Sg = Bg'*P_tau_1*Bg + Rg;
            Kg = Sg\Bg'*P_tau_1*Ag;

        %% Step 3.5 Transmit gains
        if decentralized
            % Fill decentralized MPC gains k(tau)
            if tau <= MPC_d    
                % If the topology is undirected the implementation below is
                % more efficient
%                 for i = 1:N
%                 %parfor i = 1:N
%                     MPC_K{i,tau+1} = cell(length(Di_tau{i,1}),2); % MPC_K{i,tau+1} = cell(length(Di_tau_minus{i,1}),2);
%                     % They gains must be recived by agents in D_i-, but given
%                     % that, in this case in particular, the edges are
%                     % undirected, then we can use D_i+ (Di_tau) to index the
%                     % agents and retrieve the gains (it is more efficient)
%                     % Warning: if the topology is directed the code above must
%                     % be adapted (we have to compute and use Di_tau_minus)
%                     for pidx = 1:length(Di_tau{i,1}) % pidx = 1:length(Di_tau_minus{i,1})
%                         p = Di_tau{i,1}(pidx); % p = Di_tau_minus{i,1}(pidx);
%                         MPC_K{i,tau+1}{pidx,1} = p;
%                         i_idx = find(Di_tau{p,1}==i);
%                         MPC_K{i,tau+1}{pidx,2} = K_tau_1{p,1}{i_idx,1};
%                     end
%                 end

                % If the topology is directed, then the implementation
                % above is not valid
                for i = 1:N
                %parfor i = 1:N
                    MPC_K{i,tau+1} = cell(length(Di_tau_minus{i,1}),2);
                    for pidx = 1:length(Di_tau_minus{i,1})
                        p = Di_tau_minus{i,1}(pidx);
                        MPC_K{i,tau+1}{pidx,1} = p;
                        i_idx = find(Di_tau{p,1}==i);
                        MPC_K{i,tau+1}{pidx,2} = K_tau_1{p,1}{i_idx,1};
            % Centralized below

%             % For debug: fill K_tau_1 gains for the computation of P_tau_1 in the next MPC
%             % iteration
%             for i = 1:N
%                 K_tau_1{i,1} = cell(length(Di_tau{i,1}),1);
%                 for j = 1:length(Di_tau{i,1})
%                     p = Di_tau{i,1}(j);
%                     K_tau_1{i,1}{j,1} = Kg((p-1)*m_single+1:(p-1)*m_single+m_single,(i-1)*n_single+1:(i-1)*n_single+n_single);
%                 end
%             end
%             % For debug: enforce saprsity of global gain
%             for i = 1:N
%                 for j = 1:N
%                     if sum(i==Di_tau{j,1}) == 0
%                         Kg((i-1)*m_single+1:(i-1)*m_single+m_single,(j-1)*n_single+1:(j-1)*n_single+n_single) = zeros(m_single,n_single);
%                     end
%                 end
%             end

            % Fill centralized MPC gains k(tau)
            if tau <= MPC_d           
                for i = 1:N
                    MPC_K{i,tau+1} = cell(N,2);
                    for j = 1:N
                        MPC_K{i,tau+1}{j,1} = j;
                        MPC_K{i,tau+1}{j,2} = Kg((i-1)*m_single+1:i*m_single,(j-1)*n_single+1:j*n_single);  
    fprintf('@MATLAB controller: Computed new MPC window starting at t = %g s.\n',t);

Finally, compute the thrust of each satellite

%% Compute actuation
% Each satellite computes its actuation based on the known gains
%for i = 1:N
parfor i = 1:N
    % Auxiliary varibale to allow parallelization
    uaux = zeros(m_single,1);
    for j = 1:size(MPC_K{i,MPC_currentWindowGain},1)
        uaux = uaux - MPC_K{i,MPC_currentWindowGain}{j,2}*...
    % Compute actuation force from actuation mass
    uaux = uaux*x_t(i*(n_single+1));
    % Saturate thrust
    uaux(uaux>Ct1) = Ct1;
    uaux(uaux<-Ct1) = -Ct1;
    % Assign thrust
    MPC_u(:,i) = uaux;

The auxiliary functions that are employed in the script above are included in the examples files, made available in the DECENTER toolbox. This script also makes use of the osculating2mean toolbox, which is included as well.


The evolution of the global mean absolute error (MAE) for semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, mean argument of latitude, and longitude of ascending node is shown below.

The evolution of the mean absolute error (MAE), for satellite 1, in semi-major axis, inclination, and eccentricity is shown below.

The evolution of the 3-axis thrust input and trajectory of the error in mean argument of latitude and longitude of ascending node are shown below.

For a thorough analysis of these results, see [1].


[1] Not published yet