One-step and finite-horizon: comparison for LTI control


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Performance comparison between OS and FH LQR using Monte-Carlo simulations.
See documentation for LQROneStepLTI and documentation for LQRFiniteHorizonLTI for more information.

To open this example execute the following command in the MATLAB command window

open LQROneStepFiniteHorizonLTIComparison

Use synthetic system matrices $\mathbf{A}$, $\mathbf{B}$, $\mathbf{Q}$, $\mathbf{R}$, and $\mathbf{E}$ generated randomly

n = 10;
m = 6;
rng(1); % Pseudo-random seed for consistency
% Alternatively comment out rng() to generate a random system
% Do not forget to readjust the synthesys parameters of the methods
A = rand(n,n)
B = rand(n,m)
Q = rand(n,n);
Q = Q*Q'
R = rand(m,m);
R = R*R'
E = round(rand(m,n))
A =
    0.4170    0.4192    0.8007    0.0983    0.9889    0.0194    0.1023    0.9034    0.8833    0.1147
    0.7203    0.6852    0.9683    0.4211    0.7482    0.6788    0.4141    0.1375    0.6237    0.9495
    0.0001    0.2045    0.3134    0.9579    0.2804    0.2116    0.6944    0.1393    0.7509    0.4499
    0.3023    0.8781    0.6923    0.5332    0.7893    0.2655    0.4142    0.8074    0.3489    0.5784
    0.1468    0.0274    0.8764    0.6919    0.1032    0.4916    0.0500    0.3977    0.2699    0.4081
    0.0923    0.6705    0.8946    0.3155    0.4479    0.0534    0.5359    0.1654    0.8959    0.2370
    0.1863    0.4173    0.0850    0.6865    0.9086    0.5741    0.6638    0.9275    0.4281    0.9034
    0.3456    0.5587    0.0391    0.8346    0.2936    0.1467    0.5149    0.3478    0.9648    0.5737
    0.3968    0.1404    0.1698    0.0183    0.2878    0.5893    0.9446    0.7508    0.6634    0.0029
    0.5388    0.1981    0.8781    0.7501    0.1300    0.6998    0.5866    0.7260    0.6217    0.6171
B =
    0.3266    0.1723    0.0199    0.5858    0.5562    0.0720
    0.5271    0.1371    0.0262    0.9696    0.1365    0.9673
    0.8859    0.9326    0.0283    0.5610    0.0599    0.5681
    0.3573    0.6968    0.2462    0.0186    0.1213    0.2033
    0.9085    0.0660    0.8600    0.8006    0.0446    0.2523
    0.6234    0.7555    0.5388    0.2330    0.1075    0.7438
    0.0158    0.7539    0.5528    0.8071    0.2257    0.1954
    0.9294    0.9230    0.8420    0.3879    0.7130    0.5814
    0.6909    0.7115    0.1242    0.8635    0.5597    0.9700
    0.9973    0.1243    0.2792    0.7471    0.0126    0.8468
Q =
    2.0248    2.0828    2.5116    1.5566    1.5742    2.2890    1.0643    2.1221    2.4284    2.7857
    2.0828    4.6675    3.1268    2.8692    2.7604    3.7298    1.9061    3.4757    3.2309    3.5648
    2.5116    3.1268    3.8267    2.7687    2.7802    3.5348    1.4805    2.8452    3.2115    4.3199
    1.5566    2.8692    2.7687    3.5790    2.4780    3.2995    1.7717    2.7696    2.9485    3.7020
    1.5742    2.7604    2.7802    2.4780    2.7361    3.3282    1.2796    2.2486    2.5126    3.5423
    2.2890    3.7298    3.5348    3.2995    3.3282    4.8683    2.0391    3.6455    3.6324    4.7527
    1.0643    1.9061    1.4805    1.7717    1.2796    2.0391    1.5282    1.5951    1.4736    1.9614
    2.1221    3.4757    2.8452    2.7696    2.2486    3.6455    1.5951    3.6668    3.5500    3.7370
    2.4284    3.2309    3.2115    2.9485    2.5126    3.6324    1.4736    3.5500    4.0140    4.2097
    2.7857    3.5648    4.3199    3.7020    3.5423    4.7527    1.9614    3.7370    4.2097    5.7205
R =
    1.8502    2.1035    2.1588    1.9751    1.5911    1.0335
    2.1035    3.0864    2.8309    2.8417    2.2906    1.4985
    2.1588    2.8309    3.0409    2.8277    2.0798    1.4439
    1.9751    2.8417    2.8277    2.7927    2.1208    1.5089
    1.5911    2.2906    2.0798    2.1208    1.8323    1.1133
    1.0335    1.4985    1.4439    1.5089    1.1133    1.0021
E =
     0     1     1     0     0     0     0     1     0     1
     0     1     0     0     1     1     1     1     1     1
     1     0     1     1     0     1     1     1     1     0
     0     0     1     0     0     1     0     1     1     0
     1     0     0     0     1     0     0     1     1     1
     1     0     0     1     0     1     1     1     0     0

Syntesize centralized, one-step, and finite-horizon controllers

[KC,PC] = LQRCentralizedLTI(A,B,Q,R);
opts.W = 20;
opts.maxOLIt = 10;
[KFH,PFH] = LQRFiniteHorizonLTI(A,B,Q,R,E,opts);

Run Monte Carlo simulations

% Generate initial estimation error covariance accroding to the assumption
% P_0 = alpha*I
alpha = 1;
P0 = alpha*eye(n);
% Set number of Monte Carlo simulations
NMCSim = 1e4;
% Set simulation span of each Monte Carlo simulation
SimIt = 100;
% Initialise error cell, where the first dimension indicates the number of
% the Monte Carlo simulation; the second the instant of the simulation; and
% the third the method used
x = cell(NMCSim,SimIt,3);
u = cell(NMCSim,SimIt-1,3);
% This loops can, alternatively, be performed in parallel using parfor
for method = 1:3    % Iterate through the methods
    switch method   % Select gain
        case 1
            K = KC;
        case 2
            K = KOS;
        case 3
            K = KFH;
    for i = 1:NMCSim    % Iterate through the Monte Carlo simulations
        for k = 1:SimIt
            if k ~= 1
                x{i,k,method} = A*x{i,k-1,method}+B*u{i,k-1,method};
                x{i,1,method} = transpose(mvnrnd(zeros(n,1),P0));
            u{i,k,method} = -K*x{i,k,method};

Compute the average finite-window cost function and compare it with the projected performance

% Initialise Monte Carlo covariance cell, where the rows contain the data
% of each method and the columns indicate the instant in the simulation
J = zeros(3,NMCSim);
% Iterate though the methods
for method = 1:3
    for i = 1:NMCSim
        J(method,i) = x{i,end,method}'*Q*x{i,end,method};
        for k = 1:SimIt-1
            J(method,i) = J(method,i) + ...
J = mean(J,2);
Method		Cent.	OS	FH
Projected	50.00	67.10	63.98
Monte-Carlo	50.40	65.98	64.92

Note that the results obtained with Monte-Carlo simulations are very close to the projected results. It is also important to remark the significant improve in performance obtained with the finite-horizon method in relation to the one-step method.